Monday, June 11, 2007

I'm still alive people

Due to a) the serious lack of internet facilities here in Bangladesh b) the fact I am almost never alone, I have not been able to be on the internet much. This is the first time I've been online in over a week. In the past month, I have been online 3 times, one of which was for about 15 minutes.

About 20 minutes ago, I bought my bus ticket to Kolkata. I am leaving the morning of June 14th. I could have left tomorrow (13th) but due to the whole 13 aspect, and the total opposite of June 14th (the day I graduated from HRS, friend's b-day, and last but not least flag day!)I thought the 14th would be better.

Originally I was planning to leave today since I left the USA on april 12, Malaysia on may 12th (and arrived in bangladesh the same day), and going home on July 12. Alas, the Bangladeshi people have "forced" me to stay here an extra couple days.

When I returned to dhaka 2 days ago, I thought I would just need 2 days to say good-bye to everyone. Alas, that was half the time I needed. In fact, I have had to be rude just to be able to leave here on the 14th. I will end this entry with the following story that I think sums up my experience well:

I am on the bus with my friend Shafiullah and a friend of his that I met 15 minutes ago. The friend has invited us to his house in the suburb of Mirpur. While on the bus, they are talking and I am sending text messages to friends (I will elaborate on my cellphone usage at a later date) while periodically Shafiullah points out a site. We come to a place I've been before.
Shafiullah: That is the national museum
me: yes, I know. I visited it last week
Shafiullah: Alone?
Me: Alone? Is one ever alone here in Bangladesh?

He laughed. And of course I wasn't alone; I had a companion who showed me around dhaka for 3 days. I will have been here in Bangladesh for a little over a month.
The number of days where I've been alone for the majority of the day: 3.

Number of meals I've eaten alone: 4 or 5 I think. Today is the first day in over 2 weeks where I've been alone for more than an hour (excluding one evening of sleeping).

# of houses I've visited: I'm guessing close to 50. Definitly more than 30. yesterday I was at 5 homes (although 3 of them I had previously visited).

# of houses I've slept in: 4

# of home cooked meals I've had: no idea

# of cups of tea I've had: probably averaged 3 a day. Yesterday I had 6 in a span of about 4 hours. Total # yesterday was at least 10. How many have I paid for during my month here? None.

OK, I have to go. I am going to meet Shafiullah and go with him to pick up his older daughter from school. I will be sending out a mass e-mail summarizing my experience here. I figure the # of readers has gone from 5/day to .5/day due to my lack of writing. Inshallah, I will be writing more frequently in India.

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