Friday, May 11, 2007

Seinfeld time!

Ok, so the place I chose to stay at tonight was described by Lonely Planet as having "modern bathrooms." I assumed that meant they were sparkling clean, great shower heads, etc... Sounded like an ideal place to spend my last night in Malaysia. It is also located in Little india (and it is VERY little, let me tell you), so I figured it would be a good warm-up for the real thing (j/k there). Anyhoo, the place gave me Seinfeld flashbacks this morning. How so?

I think I might be (or was) the only person staying there. Flashbacks of the Abu/Seinfeld episode came flooding back. Jerry convinces Abu to change his restaurant to Pakistani food since his western-style restaurant only has Jerry as a customer. Abu takes up his idea and says how great Jerry is. Well I didn't have any suggestions for the owner of the hostel (although I do have a couple ideas, which I will share in a second), I did feel good about myself. I thought, "Yes, I am good. I am helping this place survive [just like Jerry and the restaurant]." yes Sean, 20 ringgit (6 bucks) really will keep the place afloat. How great I am!

So what are my ideas? Well the hostel's reception shares the same space as a mobile phone store. In the back is the reception, in the front is the mobile phone section. I figured that the mobile phone angle should be played up to the max. For instance if you stay 2+ nights, you get free airtime minutes on your cellphone. If you stay a week? FREE PHONE! My other idea was playing up the India theme by blasting Indian music, having a tout outside trying to convince you to stay here (cheap price! very comfy!), and a cow in the lobby. Ok, so maybe those ideas are a little stupid.. But hey, looks like their business couldn't get any worse, so what harm would it do?

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