Friday, April 27, 2007

A night out on the town

Picked up my passport today with Bangladesh visa, so that is good to go. I am thinking of arriving in Dhaka on the 10th or 11th. That is assuming I can get a train ticket to/from the Malaysia border next week and chill out on a beach for a few days. If I can't get a ticket, then I might go to Bangladesh sooner.

Ok, last night..

So after checking my e-mail, I was hungry and knew I had to eat, so I went out. I was aware of some restaurant nearby that is always busy and full, so I figured I should check it out.

I get there and all the tables are occupied. One table by the doorway, however, only has one dude sitting at it, so I ask him if I can sit at his table. He says in English, "Sure, of course." I'm thinking, "interesting, random thai dude that speaks ok english." After sitting down, I see he is wearing a MIT t-shirt, so I ask him, "Did you go to MIT?" and he responds, "No, it was a joke of my friend's." Ok then.. A couple minutes later he randomly asks, "Do you like baseball?" At that point i figured he had to be from Japan since the only Asians into baseball are Japanese. Turns out he was an accountant from Tokyo.

So we chatted while we ate. While we were doing so, a French gal I met the previous night came strolling up. I invited her to sit with us, and she did, and then she got some food as well. After we had finished eating, the Japanese guy said, "Do you mind if I invite a friend?" Sure, no problem. So it became 4 of us. We had a couple beers at the restaurant, then had to go since it was closing. Next stop: Cheap Charlies, where a beer costs less than $1.50. There, i preceded to get a little drunk.

Around 10:30, Ms. France (aka Marie) bid us adieu and went back to the hotel. At that point, one of the Japanese guys asked, "would you like to go to another bar I know? The beer is 135 baht [vs. 60 baht where we were] but it is ok. Lots of girls, but you can tell them no." Sure, why not... I was thinking he meant it was a bar where hookers come up to you, and you politely decline their services. Umm no.

Where did he take me then? Well yes, it did have drinking, so I suppose it was a bar. There were two platforms with chicks in glow-in-the-dark bikinis and g-string bottoms. They were "dancing" and trying to look sexy. Meanwhile ugly chicks were in orange polo shirts and white ties serving you drinks. That kind of place bugs me out. I guess my feelings were obvious because both Japanese guys asked, "Do you not like this?" I was like, uh no, not really my scene. Total sketch.

The "highlight" of it was when some two western dudes bought a basket of ping pong balls. When I first saw the balls, i thought, "uh oh, time to see some nasty shit!" since I had heard of the infamous ping pong show (ie girl shoots a ping pong ball out of her vagina). Alas, it didn't happen. No, this ping pong "show" was just the two dudes tossing the ping pongs at the women, who all went crazy to get them. It was pretty lame. That being said, one of the men dissapeared soon afterwards. Maybe one of the ladies did too, but there was so many of them, it was hard to notice.

Regardless, after we finished our beers, we paid the bill and left. I bid my Japanese companions good night and went ahead and crashed into bed and fell asleep.

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